Aisling Hagan

Aisling is a first-year master’s student in agricultural and resource economics at the University of Tennessee. Her research focuses on food loss and waste reduction at the consumer-grocery retailer interface. This can play a role in incentivizing food waste reduction at the grocery store level. This project has been accepted for presentation at the American Agricultural Economics Association meeting.

Additionally, she conducts research on the emerging circular bio-economy in Tennessee, which aligns with her interest in regenerative and resource efficient economic systems. This project has been accepted for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association meeting. She has also conducted research on value added opportunities in the cattle industry, specifically on feedlot willingness to pay for genomic tested feeder cattle, which she presented at SAEA last year.

She graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee in agricultural and resource economics, majoring in natural resource and environmental economics and minoring in international agriculture.

Aisling is interested in the overlap between agriculture, energy, and natural resources, with particular interest in the transition to low-carbon energy.