
Agricultural Biotechnology Research for Public and Private Goods: The Role of University-Industry Relationships

This May 2006 conference addressed the increasingly intertwined roles of universities and industry in science and technology development, with a focus on agricultural biotechnology.  Leading academic scientists, research administrators, and industry representatives will present the latest findings and experiences regarding university-industry relationships.  The program addressed salient issues in the public and private sectors.

This Farm Foundation Issue Report summaries the conference discussions.

This conference, which was in Washington, D.C.,  was sponsored by Portland State University, Farm Foundation, Cooperative States Research, Education and Extension Service, USDA, and Economic Research Service, USDA.

A central purpose of the conference was to identify policy options for university-industry collaborations to foster both public science and commercial technology development in agricultural biotechnologies. A facilitated exercise will draw from contributions by speakers and the audience to discover innovative public policy alternatives and industry strategies to improve the relationships.

This conference was part of a project supported by Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems Grant No. 2001-52100-11217 from the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service.


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