
WTO: Competing Policy Issues & Agendas for Agricultural Trade

WTO: Competing Policy Issues and Agendas for Agricultural Trade
Washington D.C. Sept. 17, 2003

USDA’s Economic Research Service, in collaboration with Farm Foundation, present this conference to examine trade policy issues that could reshape global agricultural markets.  Here is the final conference program. Speakers papers and presentations are posted below. (04-17)

Keynote Address Ambassador Allen F. Johnson, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative: Agriculture Negotiations
WTO and Competing Trade Policy Agendas Paul Drazek, DTB Associates, LLP: WTO and  Competing Policy Issues

Wolfgang Munch, European Commission: Common  Agricultural Policy (CAP) Reform, EU Enlargement and the WTO

Timothy E. Josling, Food Research Institute, Stanford University:  WTO and Developing Countries

Discussant, Debra H. Henke, USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service

Emerging Issues Affecting Trade Policy Jeffrey Lewis, World Bank:  Globalization and Trade Policy, based on the World Bank report  “Global Economic Prospects”

Sarah Fogarty Thorn, Grocery Manufacturers of America:  Labeling As A Technical Barrier to Trade

William A. Kerr, University of Saskatchewan:  Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling: Its Economics and Trade Policy Implications and  Power Point presentation

Discussant: David Blanford, Penn State University

Luncheon speaker Greg Frazier, International Dairy Foods Association:  Beyond Cancun—What Next for the Doha Development Agenda?
Preview of Trade Policy Data and Studies on the Effects of Trade Liberalization Sherman Robinson, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Mary Burfisher, ERS, and Karen Theirfelder, U.S. Naval Academy:  Modeling OECD Agricultural Programs in a Global Context
and PowerPoint presentationTerry Roe, University of Minnesota, Agapi Somwaru, ERS; and Xinshen Diao, IFPRI:  Developing Country Aspects to Trade Policy Analysis: Does One Size Fit All? and  PowerPoint presentation

John T. Wainio and Paul R. Gibson, ERS: Agricultural Trade Policy Data
Powerpoint presentation

Role of Economic Analysis in Trade Pol Dan Sumner, University of California-Davis: Experience of the Last Round
PowerPoint presentationMartin Banse, Guttingen University:  CAP and EU Enlargement
and  PowerPoint presentation

Michael J. Ferrantino, U.S. International Trade Commission, Office of Economics: Analytical Approaches to Quantifying Economic Effects of Non-Tariff Measures and  PowerPoint presentation

Round Table Wrap-up Tom Hertel, Purdue University

David Abler, Penn State University

Karl Mielke, Guelph University

Eduardo Santos, Embassy of Chile

James Rude, Manitoba University

Harry Baumes, Global Insight

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